Well 25 Weeks into it. Feel great! Still getting Stronger. I have to say the only thing I have to worry about is working so hard I get injured. My recovery from workout is phenomenal and energy levels are high. Quite often I have to hold myself back a little to avoid injury. Or try to push on when I know I should give myself a little break.
Most recent accomplishment is my 10 reps at 315lbs on the bench press. Now let me be clear. I know this is not a ton of weight. I’m not bragging about that. Especially for you younger guys and if you are on Vitamin “S”. That is not my point. What I would like to point out is that I’m 40, 210lbs, life time drug free (no HRT), not new at this, I have been in Ketosis for 25 weeks, lean as hell and still getting stronger.
This weeks workout is my volume day, not my Max effort Day.
10 45#(bar)
10 45#(bar)
10 x 95#
10 x 135#
10 x 185#
10 x 225#
10 x 275#
10 x 315#pr
6 x 345#pr
3 x 365#pr
Click here for Video
Wanna learn more about ketosis? Follow this link. Stop Carb Loading
If you have any questions please email us at info@paleoforpower.com and we’d be happy to answer your questions in an upcoming post!
If you are interested in a little more science behind Nutritional Ketosis. Check this out.
Great stuff, very fascinating! Do you recommend having a post-workout protein shake? That is normally the first thing I do when I am done with my workout, but with the carb limitations is protein powder allowed? If so, is there a certain kind of protein I should try to be using or something unique as my liquid to mix it with? I like mixing mine with milk, I imagine that is probably not allowed but not for sure since your body is in a recovery state after a workout. Thanks and keep up the good work, both in the gym and on this blog!
I usually try and stay within the Paleo Criteria so no milk. I usually just eat after training. But I’ve also blow it off also missed meals etc. Seems being in Ketosis. Especially this long negates some of the conventional thinking of after workout reefed. Heck I think I ate twice yesterday and todays bench volume session this morning had prs again. Still got the 10 reps at 315 then the 345 for 5 then doubled 370. Did my Triciep close grip stuff after. One more rep at 275 then a single at 295. Then our of nowhere my dips flew today. Last time barely got 3×17 two weeks in a row. Today was 3×20 like nothing.
Would it be possible to see some numbers on where your lifts were at the start of the experiment compared to now?
Yeah, I’ll dig out my numbers for you soon. Stay tuned. I know on my Dead lift it was somehting like 3 at 405. I pulled. 445 9 times last week.
Glad I’ve found your website.
Have you been losing bodyfat while getting stronger? If do what does your daily calorie consumption look like on this keto diet.
Thanks for checking out our blog.
yes, I could lose bodyfat wile getting stronger. It is great. I could get bigger or smaller just by adjusting my fat intake. usually cans of coconut milk.
probably around 2500cals.