If you aren’t familiar with HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) it is commonly referred to as your good cholesterol. I have always traditionally had very low HDL levels. While my other blood work came into line while starting Paleo. My HDL stayed frightfully low.

I tried everything from No Flush Niacin and pure Niacin. 2,000 mg a day etc. I tried running, sprinting, everything they said would raise my HDL to a normal level. I was even paleo for a good time, at least 5 years without affecting that number. I could not get my HDL to raise with a crane.

It wasn’t until I went on a ketogenic diet did I get my HDL levels to raise. How much did they raise? I would traditionally be 32-35, I went up to 48. (This was at roughly the 3 month mark im almost 27weeks now and plan on a retest before OCT) The preferred range is >40.

Stephen Phinney has a matrix in his book1 that reads as follows.

Chang HDL-C
3 months:   5%
6 months: 13%
12 months: 17%

If raising your HDL is something that you struggle with it may be worth working with your Dr. and looking into a ketogenic diet.

Wanna learn more about ketosis? Follow this link. Stop Carb Loading

1. The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living: An Expert Guide to Making the Life-Saving Benefits of Carbohydrate Restriction Sustainable and Enjoyable

2. Image borrowed from the movie Fat Head .

I have a review of the great documentary here. Fat Head review

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