Well training is ramping up!
Keto Diet, well this is going well. I am leaner and stronger than I have ever been before. I started creating a quick reference sheet on adding fat to normal dishes to get to 80%. It will be a useful too. ie if you eat 5 Large eggs add XX amount of Coconut milk to make the ratio 80%.
(cardio this week. I did 20 mins 2mph, incline 15 watching 2012 womens crossfit… once. LOL)
Training is going well. I had decided to add a round of Chains to my training. I’m glad I did. I like it. I missed having them. I’m not adding much cause I’m currently training RAW but Added 5/8 chain to my Squat and Deadlift. Bench I got a double at 365×2, 375×1 w/chain, 3brd was 395×3, 415×2, with Chain. Now I think I would have got 375×2 and the 415×3 as planned but realized the bar was bent at the end of the workout and it kept rolling on me. Ugh, I know better. Sq. with chain went well. 415×2. Deadlifted off 2″ PLatform. 485 was pretty smooth. I’ve been having a time getting off the floor lately. The big epiphany was I have been blowing off my ab work completely and Reverse hypers. Not any more. Hammered them yesterday and will not skip them anymore. Did some hand stand pushups. D and I got some great coaching from Gymnastics coach Kristy Reske.
This week was time to get back on track from my little competition last weekend. I just took Monday off and continued with regular training from there. I deadlifted Friday, it didn’t really go as planned due to being very tired and unfocussed. I’ll be having one more deadlift day before worlds and I will make sure I give 110% that day. I just benched raw yesterday being i’ve been in a bench shirt the last 7 weeks straight. From here on out though, I will be using my original shirt. That is a bench shirt I know I’ll be able to make a lift in…I cant afford to be missing lifts at a world competition…unacceptable.
Diet is still going well with keeping my strength up. My original plan of 148 for bench only and 165 for full power is out the window. I’ll be going 165 for both days. It’ll be here before I know it, so full throttle ahead I go!
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