I think we both have to admit this is our favorite book to date. We highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn a little more than say Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. (Which is the book we recommend for people interested in Paleo and just starting out)

What stood out the most in this book is that it went into more detail on digestion. Not just the macros and nutrients and anti-nutrients at a cellular level but more into the organs jobs. The primal mind section was a major eye opener and the major effects of food on you mental well being.

This book has so much good information! It doesn’t have too much science in it, so its pretty easy to understand. I have by far learned more from this book than any other that i’ve read on the subject. She goes into detail on how food effects your body and mind and in short basically is saying the SAD (standard american diet) is total crap and it basically killing us from the inside out. I highly recommend this book to anybody looking to increase there health and longevity.